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General CourseLab issues

This forum was imported from old site and contains mostly articles on Free CourseLab version. English is the main language in this forum. Use Search form on the top of the page to search through the forums.

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2541 SWF error in Firefox Paul Hobbs 30.03.2008 05:43 2
2542 scrollpane in flash cbruno 31.05.2010 06:15 0
2543 Help with Published presentation problem, Please! Blaine Hoffmann 31.03.2008 18:16 2
2544 the course coud not be open SYLVIE 27.11.2011 23:45 8
2545 Response interactions in LMS Paul Hobbs 30.03.2008 02:42 1
2546 SCORM 2004 Trackig Issues Gary F 28.03.2008 08:16 3
2547 Creating Certificates with a date and name and scoring of form questions Amanda Gunning 10.06.2010 17:44 0
2548 CourseLab and CourseMill compatibility Philip 28.03.2008 13:16 1
2549 objective score paul walker 28.11.2011 10:02 0
2550 objective score paul walker 28.11.2011 10:05 1
2551 publish to web Ingeborg Beate Fuhr 13.11.2011 21:29 3
2552 LMS QUICK TEST Naim 28.03.2008 19:00 0
2553 Produce PDF certifcate? Ben Short 17.11.2011 13:51 3
2554 Sound Tom HJ 17.11.2011 18:39 3
2555 Adding a Pause Button Rico Dixson 26.05.2010 17:23 0
2556 How to create a click interactivity Zubeda Hasan 21.11.2011 16:14 0
2557 the course coud not be open SYLVIE 27.11.2011 23:45 1
2558 Erasing objects/images Noelle Tangredi 01.04.2008 18:59 2
2559 Question Marco Camara 09.12.2011 04:54 0
2560 Wish List for 2.5 Bob Price 02.04.2008 14:44 0
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