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General CourseLab issues

This forum was imported from old site and contains mostly articles on Free CourseLab version. English is the main language in this forum. Use Search form on the top of the page to search through the forums.

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2641 Using Corelabs software Mark 02.05.2008 23:08 4
2642 Rounding Kevin Parker 30.04.2008 14:04 4
2643 hide willie 29.04.2008 17:46 2
2644 Actions on test results... Frank Bourke 08.05.2008 18:13 2
2645 Welkom Marcel van Holstein 09.05.2008 01:01 0
2646 adjusting agent's shape ahmed 08.05.2008 11:18 1
2647 Caps Lock Bob Price 09.05.2008 18:26 1
2648 Scoring to Moodle jane 11.01.2010 13:55 0
2649 Minus Scoring davyh 27.01.2012 21:32 1
2650 Plugin error andredimu 11.05.2008 13:48 2
2651 thank you fahad 03.05.2008 07:56 0
2652 Alter Test Greg 08.05.2008 03:45 3
2653 justify button Filippo Nicchi 08.02.2010 18:15 11
2654 error messages in Moodle Marcel van Holstein 08.05.2008 00:08 4
2655 Dropdown Menu Text Alignment Anonymous 07.05.2008 20:26 1
2656 Moodle + Courselab Anand Govender 05.05.2008 22:15 11
2657 Restricting access to next module Daniel Wirajaya 06.05.2008 12:51 1
2658 How to "mute" a video?!? andredimu 12.05.2008 21:14 1
2659 Link to other slide from embedded Flash? Anonymous 30.01.2012 19:59 0
2660 cannot open any modules Blaine Hoffmann 12.05.2008 21:52 10
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