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General CourseLab issues

This forum was imported from old site and contains mostly articles on Free CourseLab version. English is the main language in this forum. Use Search form on the top of the page to search through the forums.

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3021 Success/Fail feedback button Roberto Castro 29.01.2009 01:05 0
3022 Media use with CourseLab axel maier 23.01.2009 02:37 6
3023 Others Guide for CourseLab 2.4 Stefano Todaro 16.03.2009 19:48 0
3024 Extracting Values from Textbox anuya patrikar 03.02.2009 16:23 1
3025 Mac OS (Safari or Firefox) and Courselab? Anonymous 30.01.2009 00:54 2
3026 Test Completion goto Roberto Castro 29.01.2009 22:39 14
3027 FLV play tick events MikeL 04.02.2009 23:38 2
3028 Protecting content Oleg Fedorchuk 02.02.2009 17:34 3
3029 Font Formatting Andy Manzini 28.01.2009 23:20 2
3030 sound - play-stop-pause diana 30.01.2009 15:32 3
3031 Zooming into displayed images Nickj_UK 07.02.2009 23:21 4
3032 Disable navigation until test is complete Kevin 21.10.2010 18:10 1
3033 Font changes when running program Andy Manzini 07.02.2009 19:08 1
3034 Picture loading problem Andy Manzini 07.02.2009 19:10 3
3035 Courselab and Docebo Terry Masse 07.02.2009 01:16 5
3036 Communication with Moodle anuya patrikar 09.02.2009 17:36 1
3037 Music Natasha 21.10.2010 22:18 5
3038 Problems with Flash Belinda 05.02.2009 16:28 5
3039 mute button Julirose Gonzales 13.02.2009 08:07 3
3040 Error message Belinda 18.02.2009 12:16 4
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