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General CourseLab issues

This forum was imported from old site and contains mostly articles on Free CourseLab version. English is the main language in this forum. Use Search form on the top of the page to search through the forums.

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3621 course lab specialist in Inida ashok 23.03.2010 15:28 1
3622 Evaluate table cells Roberto Torres 23.03.2010 20:20 3
3623 IRC channel JJ 07.09.2007 17:13 0
3624 Move slides between modules? Mike Harmon 13.08.2012 05:41 1
3625 case study Ilo Skycity 30.03.2010 00:16 0
3626 Questions/Quizzes mm mmc 25.03.2010 18:49 4
3627 Navigation Marcelo 30.03.2010 21:04 0
3628 want to replace loading image effect which appears while navigating through slides Deepak Chauhdari 26.03.2010 09:49 3
3629 want to replace loading image effect which appears while navigating through slides Deepak Chauhdari 26.03.2010 12:03 0
3630 Scoring tutorial Phil Barbour 26.03.2010 20:13 3
3631 How do I display an another module's score? kefrin 29.03.2010 04:49 0
3632 How do I display an another module's score? kefrin 29.03.2010 11:22 2
3633 Publish CourseLab files to Word documents Larry Sanders 29.03.2010 19:24 2
3634 mobile courselab Ilo Skycity 30.03.2010 00:11 6
3635 Recurring Appoarches developmental 07.04.2010 00:33 1
3636 SCORM mm mmc 25.03.2010 19:54 1
3637 хpiobjekt- Rekreatiivsete tegevuste korraldamine sise- ja vдlitingimustes Marve Koppel 31.03.2010 17:16 0
3638 NextSlide: Invalid argument Maria 01.04.2010 18:26 0
3639 NextSlide: Invalid argument Maria 01.04.2010 19:03 0
3640 NextSlide: Invalid argument Maria 01.04.2010 19:37 0
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