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scientific calculator
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Anyone got a scientific calc for maths quizzes which we can use in courselab?
Not seen one that you can plug into the page. So the best or quickest option would be to insert an inline web page where the page is within the courselab content so it should work on and off-line.
http://www.squarebox.co.uk/scalc.html is quite nice, the page holds a mapped image with the functions triggered by clicking the mapped areas. The whole code is in JS on the page itself. Ask and you might get permission to use it in your project.

http://ostermiller.org/calc/calculator.html is much simpler

http://www.mathopenref.com/calculator.html is a very slick java app but does require the JVM on the local PC.

Given the choice I'd use the first as it takes up very little page space.
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