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adding modules
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Can someone tell me if it is possible to import a module created in one course into another course. I've tried copy and pasting the slides but it doesn't function properly in the new course.
Hi, Graeme,

Unfortunately, there's no built-in import possibility. But you can do it quite easy.
0. Quit CourseLab program.
1. Copy full module folder (i.e. folder named as number 1,2,3...) from one course folder to another. Warning: if module folder with such number in name already exists, then a) rename copied folder with new number (not used yet) b) open this folder and rename [old_number].xml file with new number too.
2. Open course's .wcl file with any plain text editor (Notepad or similar). Find <module>......</module> XML block and copy this block near. Then replace name (looks like that: <name>1</name>) and path to design file (looks like that: <file>1\1.xml</file>)
in copied block to number in the name of your copied folder. Other params you can change here or in courselab, but these 2 need to be replaced in text editor.
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