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Use of Actions to display
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I hope to build a workplace simulation by using immediate feedback. In this case, if the learner click on one choice (one object in courselab), the feedback will appear (use of display action in courselab).

I successfully built three choices and three feedback mainly by using display actions. However if the learner choose to try again by clicking the choices again, the feedback doesn't change any more. How shall I make this happen?

I checked your showcase example and think that would be something similar to Alexander the Great. But the wcl file in that example doesn't work, though the final output works. Hope someone can help. Thanks a lot

By the way, as a non-technical user, I hope to have a bit more detailed information and tutorial on the Action section, especially the "if" command, which is quite tough to grasp.

I like courselab a lot. It a great tool!
Hi, Julie!
Changing feedbacks can be made using objectives (or variables). The general idea is that when the learner clicks on some choice, we check corresponding objective's success status and if it is "unknown" - set it to "succeeded" and run action sequence with usual feedback, otherwise (i.e. when status is already "succeeded") we run action sequence with alternative feedback (or no actions - depending on the task). Note, that you should define these objectives before using them (menu Module - Runtime settings - Objectives tab).

Something like that:

IF SUCCESS (choice1_objective)
_ (alternative action sequence)
_ _ SET SUCCESS STATUS (choice1_objective, succeeded)
_ _ (initial action sequence)

_ are for indents in code.
I've got the problem solved by using the frame.[:)]
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