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I am trying to set up a form of command prompt simulator - I want a user to type in a command and then to either progress to the next screen if correct (eg. they would type in "dir" and the next screen would should the results of dir), or for a message box to say it was incorrect and that they should have typed in "dir". Should this be done using the simulator add-on or is there a quiz that can be edited to give the look and feel I want?

Any help would be great!
Hi BG, See what you're getting at there.
I'd be tempted to grab a graphic of the text input window and put that onto the slide, then overlay a text input box in the correct position.
when the user types in a value the variable value can be checked against the value you decide is correct.
If they have done it a navigation action jumps them to the next page.
You could even stay on the same page by hiding the initial graphic and popping a new one up with the change shown.
Hi Nickj,
could you tell me where can i find any examples about simulation and test objects group, i didn't undestartand well i can use them together.
Sorry, one more question. It would obviously be an action on the input box, On Leave Field or On Enter (if there is such a thing). Then, to check the value, do I use the IF condition. Am still new to this so still figuring out how to hide/show images, check values etc!

Thanks for the help.
Sorry to be slow getting back on this but I've been developing a web site to a tight deadline and been a bit tied up time wise.

I'd put a graphic on the page, on top of that a text input field. Make the input fields attributes match the graphic so you don't see it or it's a bit ghostly to give the hint that you 'do something here'.
The user puts in their response say dir. The text box var now is set at that so you set up an evaluation of the response.It is possible that you could use an OnLeaveField to trigger this BUT they might keep the field in focus so probably another button might be best.
If you have another image, the same size as the first in exactly the same place and you hide it then simply.
#answer_var = "dir" /*response you want
DISPLAY (hide first one)
DISPLAY (reveal next one)
ELSE /* if response isn't right
DISPLAY (help text cos your wrong!)

If your keeping score then you'd also want to add a point for getting it right after the display switching.

You could even nest this to allow a few of the common attributes of the command in the same way. It would just need more evaluation statements followed by the action

For a more realistic looking display you could even hide the text input post evaluation with a DISPLAY hide and have a text box show, if you had it appear using a fast vertical wipe it would even look like a fast list appearing in your DOS window. This could be the dir list if correct or an unknown command if wrong.

Funny how things like DOS are easily forgotten in this GUI age, we had some image import and conversion problems from one type of transfer CD we get images sent to us on around hospitals. A few sites bought dedicated PCs and software to import the images (Ј3-4K). I wrote a batch file [:D]
Thanks so much for this info Nick, it worked a treat. Good idea on the vertical swipe, a more realistic result for the commands being typed!
Hi Nickj, Thanks! That sounds good...I will give it a try and let you know how it turns out.
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