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Is there a way to find objects/images/groups in a project?
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I have a course where a complete slide is empty and build up through actions, with objects that are already used somewhere else in the course.

It's an action on the 'afterdisplay'-event of the slide.
For example: DISPLAY(Object='IMG_199',Display='Show',Effect='Object',Duration='0')

If I have to make changes to IMG_199, I don't know where to find it... Is there a way to quickly find these images, objects, groups, ... ??

And is there a way to find where a specific image or group is used? If I have to replace IMG_199 by IMG_200, I need to know where I have to change it, it can be on 5 different places...

Hi, Katja,

to find the object by ID please use menu Edit - Find (or Ctrl+F).

Unfortunately it is impossible (using internal tools) to find objects in actions. Though you can find object ids right in XML file of the module (open it with Notepad, for example).
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