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508 Compliances
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Can someone tell me if CourseLab 2.6 is 508 Compliant? I couldn't find any information about this on the site.
Thanks for the replies. I agree that 508 is ridiculous. I may be able to get around the requirement by hosting my module on a non-federal website. We'll see.
You'll be able to fill the vast majority of them put of the box.
The image alt tags will be more of a pain though
508 compliance isn't a thing built into software it's about the way that you use it. Plus it is a US requirement ONLY that makes it applicable to a very small proportion of the world, see this site for a relative population map. http://www.worldmapper.org/display.php?selected=2

So define which components of 508 you want to implement and what compliance requires then you can ask specific questions.
In general terms using http://www.csun.edu/~comp508/webapps.html as a base for web delivered content point by point..
1. No, you'd need to add this by hand.
2. Yes
3. No but the colour requirement is to handle contrast and colour perceptions. Good design actually renders this requirement redundant.
4. No really applicable in the content type
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Not really applicable to the content type
9. Yes, no frames are used
10. Designer dependant
11. Yes, can be done
12. The scripting used allows this
13. OK with this one too
14. Depends on designer and design
15. The navigation is all functional, not applicable.
As an observation I find it very paradoxical that a country will pass legislation like this to allow wide access to media but will baulk at one providing wide access to healthcare.
I totally agree with Nick's observation!

In NL the governement has a comparable list of demands which go way beyond the US list. The list either ignore every new development in web content and web browsers or make every project so expensive that the governement itself would not be able to pay any project.
As Barend notes the law makers are often far behind what technology offers or has available at the time.
Just making web delivered contentent work properly on the range of web browsers that people might use is bad enough, add in attempting to ensure that each type and specific instance of assistive technology also works ends up a monumental task.
For these legislations having one assistive device fail could mean it is considered non compliant which I suspect could be said of 99% of web and learning content available
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