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Next and previous button
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I would like to change these buttons - http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/6364/changey.jpg

but frankly I don't know how.

I'm looking forward for response,


PS: Sorry for triple thread...
After publishing you'll find the buttons in map 'images'.

Before publishing you find them in submaps of 'Courselab 2.4' - 'Data - 'Templates'.

I think you should make the new buttons the same size as the old ones but I'm not sure about that.
Barend you are quite right there, you need to make a new set of buttons about the same size so that they fit the template and they should be transparent in the same image format type..
The names of the new images need to be the same names as the originals and you also need to make the same state series.
A normal state, hover, selected etc if you want to make it look nice.
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