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how i can put search in courselab
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hi every one,
please help me
i need to put search in my project by courselab ???
and how i can do it ??
Nanta you can search the main content which is a 'simple' xml file easiest would be a java web site serch just aimed at the main content file. BUT there will be a big problem using the search results.
The content is generated on the fly from the xml so while you might find the content itself jumping to that won't launch the page containing the content you've found. Think of it like this..
<module starts>
<page 1 starts>
<page content>
< ...
<page 1 ends>
<page 2 starts>
<page content>
'found text'
<page 2 ends>
<module ends>
You'd also need to find the preceeding page reference for the found text segment to be able to launch the page itself.
Just finding the text in its xml wrapper won't do what you want.
Errr I'll try the layout bit again

< module starts
< Page 1 starts
< page content
< page content
< page 1 ends
< Page 2 starts
< page content
< page content with found text <--
< page 2 ends
< module ends
Another thought...
The module is built around a theme or lesson, so there will only be a limited number of keywords or concepts. Presumably the user isn't going to search for things like 'a' or 'the' but more meaningful and relevant text.
Decide what these are and make a scrolling pop up, or use one of the existing devices like help.
Order the list by concept/keywords, or page/concept/keywords.
Use an action to make the navigate to the specific page.
It's not a search more an alternative navigation device but serves the same purpose.
You only need to make it once and copy between pages or have it as a device on the master template.
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