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How can I change Master at runtime?
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hi all,
I need to change my master page when Specific action
For Example
When the user answers the questions the master page changes to another one
The master page applies the style for all of the page components through the entire module unless you explicitly change them on a page.
All of the pages are described in terms of content based on this style and the specific components eg green buttons.
Changing the master page would need you to modify the pre written xml describing the pages.
So not really is the answer..
But you can make a module template using several different master page components.
If you are looking at a conditional change of style.. eg if the user is right they go to a green page wrong they go to a red page then you need to do this yourself!
There is an object that ought to allow conditional branching but the documentation is sparse and the design team say it is not friendly to use.
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