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flash file with action script not getting displayed
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In the course lab when I incorporate flash file without action script its working properly.But when I trying to insert flash file with action script its not getting displayed after publishing.

does anybody know any solution for this?

I use various animations in CL. Actionscript2, as3, timeline or classfiles. They all play as they should.

I imported the animations using 'Object Library' - 'Media' - 'Flash'. Just 'plain vanilla'.
thanks barend for replying

its displayed in course lab after viewed with F5

but when i publish its not getting displayed..

& also its not displayed when i upload & integrated with moodle LMS[:confused:]
Hi Deepak,

You might copy one slide (incl. flash) to a new file, test it and if it still has that problem, put it somewhere so I can download it. One slide means the file is small [;)]
I'll be glad to have a look.

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