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How to remove prior responses on recurring approaches?
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Is there a way to make prior responses to a question not display on recurring approaches to a question?

I basically want a learner to be able to attempt a question multiple times without having a popup display (see URL below) and without seeing any of her/his prior choices to the question.

Thanks to Barend for help on removing popups on recurring approaches to questions. See here:

I think I may have answered my own question through experimentation:

1. Open the file runtime.xml

2. Find the script/procedure called:

// Detecting current question mode from interaction

3. Within that script find these two lines:

if(sIntTimestamp!=null && sIntLatency==null) sMode = "continue";
if(sIntTimestamp!=null && sIntLatency!=null) sMode = "browse";

4. In the above lines change the text "continue" to "init" and also change "browse" to "init"

That seems to do it! I did not get any popups, nor did the initial learner selections display.

The only caveat seems to be that the process above should be done AFTER publishing your course, since the runtime.xml file appears to "refresh" itself when the course is in the native CourseLab format.
This is great, unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for multiple choice questions where there are multiple responses required[:confused:].

Any ideas
That's really odd - but thought I had better repost to let others know. I have not done an amazing amount of testing but I changed the question mentioned in the previous post to allow recurring appoaches and everything now works as Bob described!! How I love IT!!![;)]
That's really odd - but thought I had better repost to let others know. I have not done an amazing amount of testing but I changed the question mentioned in the previous post to allow recurring appoaches and everything now works as Bob described!! How I love IT!!![;)]
Thanks for sharing, Dan!
I copy this message to my own local documentation.
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