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If it is possible to skip a module course if there is a test before with an approved status?

I want to create a module with a test and if the user gets more than 70 or 80 he or she can skip the next module. If this is possible?

I think I've invited you to view a sample module that I made that might help you to do this.
Let me know if you don't get the invitation and I will mail you the files.
Hi Nick:

The course looks similar of what I am trying to do. Can you please shared me the .wcl and based files to know how can I do this?

I don't know how to hide the objects and a module :S

Thanks so much,
You should have an email with the wcl and base files. Hope it helps
Hi Nick:

I had an email from you but there is not an attach file :(, an you please send it again?

Thanks for your help [:)]

I have seen the example you sent me. I wonder if it is possible to separate each sub-module into modules and then jump from one to another with the objects just like in the example.

It is possible?

Hi Maria
That is less easy as the modules themselves are very seperate items.
So calling the next module to open in a new or the same window needs you to know where the next one is, either exactly for example F:/module2/start or relatively.
You can see this might cause problems if the root isn't where you expect it to be. On this PC the DVD drive is G: on my laptop it is D: and on my big PC it can be G,H or I
So really you need a small cms or lms to manage them and control or limit the progression between modules
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