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text question
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I'm having trouble forming a text question. I have one question with multiple correct answers. I followed the instructions in inputting the 'possible' answers but it needs to be answered in a particular order, which is not helpful in this situation. Can this be changed? I am not experienced with computers at all and don't realy understand the user manual.
The prebuilt multiple choice question will accept multiple answers but not in a specific sequence.
Is there a way to rephrase the way that the question is posed so that it fits this model.

If the question is one where answer 1 has to be correct to lead to answer 2 and so on then you need to be a bit more sophisticatd in the way you use the software.
One possibility would be a timeline where the correct answer skips to the next frame on a correct answer. Any marks would be assigned to the final question.
Or make a series of layers where each is a question and all but the first are hidden, the correct answer to each question hides the current one and shows the next.
All would work.
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