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Error in Creating Module with Single Choice Questions Object
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I seem to have problem running my module when i created it with Single Choice questions object. And I tried linking with a Talking Agent. Initially, when I created the slide with a normal Radio Button Group object, no such problem occured.

And when I close the file, I am not able to open the module again. I got this error message instead:

"The module could not be opened.
Line: 482
Pos: 28
A semi colon character was expected.

Please please help someone!
It's obviously added an error to the code which is used to make the display page.
Revert to your old page layout
Open up the file that controls the page layout, go to line 482 and in by 28 characters and add a semi-colon.
The file you want should be in the modules folder called 1, the file itself would be called 1.
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