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unhide & hide objects
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I just finished the first course I made in CL. Suits me right.
Some things came up, I'll make a thread for each subject. I use CL v2.4 build 090219.

Second thing:
I use objects on a slide which are hidden first and afterwards unhidden, when the student reaches a point he must do an action (f.i. answer a question).
- When I hide a text input field, the surrounding line is not hidden. Can I somehow hide both?
- When I hide a Matching Paires question and later unhide it, the objects-to-drag are not shown.

Anybody has solutions?
Thx :-)
Next issues:

- if you are hiding question objects - it is not good practice. Question objects are quite complex and some parts of them may not be shown after unhiding it (mostly due to z-index issues).
- I can recommend simple but effective solution - blank filled text box to cover question objects will hide it, but you will not lose anything.
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