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How to recover my files
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When I published my course into SCORM, I only saved the SCORM package and I erased the original files. I didn't realize that the "wcl" file had been deleted. Now I want to make some changes to my files but I'm not able to open them into CourseLab because of the missing "wcl" file. I'd like to know if there's a way to recover the "wcl" file or if there's something to do.[:confused:]

Thank you very much.
Hi, Ayari,

unfortunately, not. In published version all unnecessary for playing information (i.e. full set of objects parameters, design information) is deleted. The only way for now is manual editing of runtime.xml in plain text editor (if you want to change some texts only, it may help).
I did a quick experiment but it seems without the 1.xml file you can't recover anything.

However, if you have this file 1.xml, make a new empty project, replace the contents of your published map 1 to that of the new project and put 1.xml in this map.

But I assume if you threw away your originals, you don't have the file.[:(]
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