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Next Tab
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When using the Question object, the Next Tab is active which means that the student can go to the next slide without answering. Is there a way to only allow Next after the question is answered, skipped, or whatever?
Hi :-)

On every page I use an action 'after display' which hides the next button (navigation - button next - disable).

On the question I have an action 'on attempt' so after an answer the next button is showed again (navigation - button next - enable)

Hi Sam,
Most things are possible...
You'll need a custom button for this OR a block over the existing next button that hides it until a condition has been filled.
The existing button will be a global thing, so tricky to make it change behavious in a page content dependant way.
Outline of events would be when the page opens a colour block appears over the 'next' button (onpageload show the object)
You'd need to add an event to unhide the button so its probably best to put the page components/events on a timeline.
Page opens block hides 'next' button
Question block
unhide block
That'll probaly do it
Can anyone point me to an online sample of a CourseLab course?
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