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Communication between flash and courselab
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Hi all,

Anyone can help me figuring out how can i communicate between flash and courselab?
In fact i have a swf animation (that i imported to the first slide in courselab)with mutiple buttons. When i want to click on a specific button, i want to go to the next slide in courselab. I need to do it without adding a button in courselab, the button is inside the flash animation.

And from an older post I saved:

Move to next slide in Flash
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
nextOutliner.onRelease = function ()

Thank you for your reply. It worked fine.
But if i want to go to a specified slide , not to the next one, any idea what should i write instead of "NextSlide"?
I think thread 'JavaScript Variables' might help you [:D]
In an older post I described howto :)

See topic:
Flash swf cannot call javascript function in build
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