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Store and display current slide in a module
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I tested your LMS Test Package and it works perfectly in my LMS. However, when I test a course created by myself the LMS does not store the current slide, that is, If I close the module and open it again it always starts in the first slide, deleting my score in the course.
I tested putting the same rules and actions that appears in the Test Package but this didn't work.

Is there something else that I need to do to store my current slide?
Hi, Maria,

Please set up module completion rules (menu Module - Module runtime settings). If completion status of module (i.e. module's main objective) is always "not attempted", then module will be always start from first module. Please define the rules for statuses.

The problem occurs when I publish the course in SCORM 2004. If a close the course with the close button from the navigator window the completition status change and also the scorte, but when I open the course again, this advance is erased and the course starts in the first slide. This doesn't happend if I use the close button from my LMS.

However, if I pusblish my course in SCORM 1.2, I can use both buttons and there is no problem.

I don't know if it is a problem with the LMS that I use of if there are some limitations with SCORM 2004.
Hi Maria
This has cropped up before. Ideally the modules close button ought to be disabled so you hand over control to the LMS.
Then when it shuts down it makes sure that it has collected the info it needs for a graceful exit and return later.
If the module window closes then the LMS won't do this and so no return to page, it either starts at the begining or the last position the module was closed down nicely.
There may be an option in the LMS to open a window with no quit other than one controlled by the LMS.
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