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input field overflow in fill-in blank test questions despite max.length set (user input validation issue)
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First of all, thanks for providing CourseLab. [:)]

Here's my question: Using a "text fill-in blank" question and setting maximal answer length Max.length to some value, e.g. 20, it seems still possible to enter longer answers. Is there a "CourseLab"-way to prevent that?

And now some details: [:)]

Currently, Max.length does not seem to be "translated" into the input field parameter 'maxlength' in the resulting html / xml code. Is there a reason that I do not see?

The effect can cause disrupted SCORM tracking data, resulting in various Javascript error messages and non-functioning modules (as seen by the users on subsequent logins to the LMS). We have observed this with SCORM 1.2 packages in an ILIAS 3 platform.

Thanks in advance for any hints.
Hi, Frank,

Unfortunately, there is no limit on the string length in this object. This limit means only the length of visible part of the field.
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