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How can I rescue the value of my test on the Current Results?
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I need your help. How can I rescue the value of my test on the Current Results item after I have left the module and come back to them?

For exemple I did the test and my score was 7 from 10, I saw my score and leave the module, some days later, I forgot my score and I decided to check it again [:)], but when a access the module on the item Current Results displays the following error "CallMethod: q_101_currentresult Constructor 'g_oSCO' is null or not is a object".
How can I treat this error?

Hi Carolina
So I'd be right in guessing that this is either running off of a CD OR just runs from your hard disk.
In this scenario the module has no memory, the results aren't saved anywhere. The modules are supposed to be run in an LMS which has the structure to store this kind of thing.
So if you query the result which doesn't exist yet (remember it doesn't remember the last time of use) you'll get an error.
Hi Nick,
Sorry to disappoint you but I'm using a LMS System to run my course. [:)]
Let me be more specific, after my student did his evaluation the course shows the score for him. My problem occur at this moment, the student see the score and pass to the other module, but for some reason, whe he decide to check again his last score
the error appears.
How can I rescue my score in this case? Exist a structure to bring the score back?
Hi Carolina
The LMS should have captured the score, it should be in the database for that student somewhere!!
It will depend on the LMS and how it has been set up though.
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