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Unexpected results
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I am receiving different unexpected results after making small changes to my questions and module:

- First, I added 1 question which possible points are 100 and the total possible points for the module is 100: Course Manager showed 100/100 Course Total.

- Second, I added another question which possible points are 50 each and the total possible points for the module is 100: Course Manager showed 100/100 Course Total.

- Third, I added two more 2 questions so each one of the 4 questions has 25 possible points and the total possible points for the module is 100: Course Manager showed 50/100 Course Total!!!??

How did this happen knowing that I am using SharePoint Learning Kit and the Course Manager add-on where the weight value for the activity is 100 and the maximum score for the activity is 100 also, and knowing that these examples suppose that all the question were answered correctly.
First thing to spring to mind is this...
HAve you told the module to scale the total results to 100%??
This is in the Module runtime settings from the drop down menus
Module -> Runtime Settings
Check the last tab and the last item on that is set to 'Scale module score to 100% before sending it to lms'
This might be what you need??
Yes.. now it worked.

But could you tell me when shouldn't I scale the results to 100%?

I mean why should there be this option if it would create unexpected results like this?
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