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Publishing to a CD
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Hi there
I'm looking for a bit of help with publishing to a CD. I'm using MS Vista (for my sins!) and begin by formatting the CD for live file access (because I want to add multiple courses to the CD). Then I use the wizard to publish to CD, and that works ok. Then the wizard says that the course is published, but there are no files on the CD. IF you then try to publish the course again, courselab goes mad and says that it cant access the files and wont overwrite on the cd.

I'm very confused - can anyone shed any light on this for me please??

Hi, Belinda,

I suggest that it would be better to publish course on the hard drive and then copy it to CD. Perhaps publishing "directly" on CD in Vista means storing files in some cache folder for further writing?
Also be aware that browser's security settings for CD usually are stricter than for the web.
Hi Belinda
I've always written to a discrete folder on HDD and then copied out to CD/DVD from there. This works fine on XP and Vista in that it is utterly predictable, that is it works. I only use live writes to USB RAM, other solid state devices and network drives. Live writes to CD can be problematical as can any write to CD, the rewritable CD type tends to be a bit more prone to error due to the re-meltable dye layers/laser power levels.
You can easily add mltiple courses to a CD or DVD and also use a single startup screen, there's how to here http://www.friendsofcourselab.info/inter/inter_base.html
IF you know any html of have a tame web developer you could easily make a single customised front end for a series of courses.
As an after thought the windows write to CD or USB can go oddly wrong as the files are in an intermediate folder. Writing occurs when you commit to write. In multisessions the directory update (the track map)I think is the very last action and can be skipped if you eject too soon, hibernate the PC and many other options.
In this case the tracks are on the CD (check the available space has dropped) but no files are seen as your PC hasn't a map to find them.
Vista is in any case buggier than a cloud of locusts.
See the email I've sent you, fancy a custom CD front end to multiple couses based on the syle of the html files attached?
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