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Complete / Success Statuses
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Hi Slav,

I just had a clarification, could you please validate the following rules and their order, so that I can go ahead with the publishing...

In the rules list:

1st Rule
Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'completed'
Success Status = 'unknown'
Condition: Slides Visited from "Slide_1" To "Slide_150"

2nd Rule

Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'completed'
Success Status = 'passed'
Condition: 'total'Score >= 40
AND 'total' Objective Completion 'completed'

3rd Rule

Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'incompleted'
Success Status = 'failed'
Condition: 'total'Score < 40
AND 'total' Objective Completion 'incompleted'

(This is same as you had mentioned, the only change I have done is that I have changed the completion status & Objective status as "incomplete") Is it ok ?


Hi, Kapil,

Not quite. If you are using SCORM 1.2 LMS, then only one status will be sent to LMS. If any not empty success status exists, then it will be this one. If success status is empty or unknown - completion status will be sent. Therefore "incomplete" in 3rd rule doesn't matter anyway. Moreover, you'll get "failed" from the first slide - because of all conditions of the 3rd rule will be met from the first slide: less than 40 and incomplete - true from the start. So it would be better to change 3rd rule back to what I wrote.
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