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"CallMethod: 002_textbox Constructor Object Required" Product Catalog Scenario
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"CallMethod: 002_textbox Constructor Object Required" Product Catalog Scenario
Author: Bojan Milosavljevic [Member]
Date: 06.11.2008 17:18:39
It maybe my fault since I am new in using CourseLab (and very satisfied with its features), but it seems like a bug in Product Catalog Scenario. In design (edit) mode everything goes fine, but when I want to (pre)view module, as soon as I reach the slide with this Product Catalog Scenario the following error repeatedly occurs twice or three times:
CallMethod: 002_textbox Constructor Object Required
This happens even if I make no changes to the (initial) Product catalog (just "Product" link remains and its corresponding textbox for product description). Please someone help.
Hi Bojan
Looks like the manifest xml has a fault in it, probably happens when the files being written.
It will be a relatively simple file referencing error, it's just a matter of finding it.
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