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I'd like students to be able to record their voices
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[:D]Hi! every body there:

I'd like students to be able to record their voices and then compare with the original audio. This would be very useful for language teaching. I work with different editors and I have one that does it, but that editor uses a lot of javascript and it's very slow on internet. That's why I'd like to know if there's a way to do this with Course Lab.
I've tried with external files, but when I upload the project to my browser it doesn't work.
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you very much.
I know it sounds like a good idea but realy it is much more difficult than you think to add this especially when delivered over the internet. It's equally difficult to addd as a service within a module.
The main problem is that you don't know what the user is viewing with, either the browser, operating system or the hardware.
It isn't easy to accomodate these differences and have anything work.
You either have to use lots of javascript or PHP as this will work on most (but not all) platforms. It needs a full server host, not just web space to run as you have to provide some of the functionality to give an even playing field.

Best is deliver over an intranet to a profiled base of systems, in this case you'll know what the PCs can do and it's easy.
Over the internet it's not.
You might well find that the browser engines themselves will work against you in this. IF you use an external file it MUST be sourced within the same server domain or it can be blocked.
This is because cross domain exploits have been widely used to inject malicious code within javascript, it's now viewed as deeply suspicious to have a page run active content if it's not from the same source.
The engine that drives the modules is a javascript API so the browser engine see's this and either warns you about it or just doesn't do it.
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