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Media player hide option does not worked with mozilla3.0.3
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I had created SCORM 1.2 & SCORM 2004 course using Courselab.

In my course I want to add WMV object on slide.So that,
1] I used Iframe object to add html page which contains wmv object.
2] To add wmv source file as source of wmv object.
I used media player object of course lab and imported required wmv file. I used same file as source of wmv object. Since I can't add external file to the course using courselab.
3] Then I hide media player object and IFrame used as
bring to front onto media player.
4] In my LMS for IE6.0 & Mozilla2 it works properly according to my achivement.
5] But when I checked same course with mozilla3,
it shown me the hidden media player object.
What can do to achive above things in mozilla3.
I want to hide course lab media object.

Please give me solution for above probelm.

Thanks & Regards
Hi Varsha
All of the web browser engines have various 'quirks', they do the same thing slightly differently. It is very difficult to make the same thing happen with the same page code for each page and you need to add many extra routines to adapt not only for different browsers but also for different versions!! I build web sites and it is a major headache to make even a simple page work across the range of browsers.
Because of this the Courselab core code was developed around one browser platform which MS Explorer, this is really a sensible thing to do because like it or not it but it still is the browser of choice for over 60% of PC users. Also all of the components that Courselab use are mostly natively supported from IE5 and fully supported from IE6.

Most things do work in Mozilla but as you have found not all. This problem will be a plug in problem with Mozilla I would think.
The best solution would be to change the media type either use an earlier version codec (the wmv encoding schema) or change to a different format for the object. Convert it to a flash object or a video format that Mozilla does support fully.

Another point I is which media player version are you using?
There are some strands on Mozdev where there are problems with WMP11 .
Check in the Firefox add-ins that you have this in your list Microsoft® Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin np-mswmp.dll.
If not go to http://port25.technet.com/pages/windows-media-player-firefox-plugin-download.aspx and install this plug in.
Of course you then have to make sure that everyone else is using this or they will also get the same problems as you.

It's easier to state at the start of your module that some objects my not work if you are using a browser other than Explorer.
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