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Resize flv-Videos
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I'm working with flv-Videos and everything is working, except the size-start action based on an event. Is this action not available for flash-videos or am I doing something wrong?
Kind Regards from Vienna
I've always recoded them before use so they are optimised and at the size I want them to be from the outset. I have this thing about bloat and always try to minimise the file size of objects in anything.
So this isn't an issue I've experienced. I'll try and break a module using an flv I've already made sometime and report back.
Won't be immediately as I'm up to my neck in a front end for a commercial database system at the moment.
My plan is to fade out a flv-video, doing this by turning this video to a 0/0(x/y)-size by a size-start-action. So the visual effect should be a disappearance in the background. this is working fine with a wmv-video, but for me not with a flv-file.
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