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Unable to purchase products from the web site
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I’m trying to purchase several products on the CourseLab.com web site (PowerPoint imporer, etc.) with a credit card but keep getting “Unable to authenticate your credit card information” error message from ChronoPay.com

I’ve input and double-checked and triple-checked the information several times to make sure it’s correct, but your system is not recognizing the card. What do you think the problem is? Is there another way to purchase products from your si
I remember this happening before so I searched the forum and found it from a year ago.
It seems that was a problem related to the field "Issuer Bank name". This was sorted out by the card issuers support service, I think it was mastercard that time.
Hopefully Slav will pick this up and be able to get this rolling for you.
If you are in the States you might get some help from Chronopay themselves, help line is (001*) 800 350 6821
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