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Message Loading Images 92% stays on screen
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While running a module when a slide loads that includes a .jpg image, a message "Loading images 92%" stays on the screen with an option button below that says Skip Loading. Pressing the Skip Loading button always brings up the slide. Do you know what I need to do to eliminate this message from appearing?

Thank you,

Found two reasons for this:

1. An image has the wrong extention (eg:jpeg imange with a bmp extension)

2. The image name has a space. Sometimes CourseLab doesn't like the space.

Hope this helps

3. The image file is broken or absent.
Can happen for example when text with embedded images was copied from other application and images was not copied.

Please inspect the objects on this slide - there should be some object with broken (absent) image inside.

Also about spaces (and other non-conventional/non-Latin characters) in URLs. CourseLab itself does not care about URLs - on local computer or from CD there's no problems with spaces etc. But when the published course comes to the web, it may become the problem: not all web-servers can work correctly with non-conventional URLs. That's why we always recommend to use only Latin chars in filenames - it is web-safe.
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