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variants and conditions in text fill-in-blank test
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Hi all,
Hopefully I make sense here. Sorry in advance for the length.

I am trying to make a quiz that allows students to rephrase a question into the correct sentence using the Test (tect) feature. I understand I can create text responses here. There are a couple of issues that I don't understand.

1) When inputting the variants, there is an option to create possible responses. When I do this, it returns all of the variants into the quiz. The user has to basically answer all of them correctly to receive credit. The "Help" says that it the variants are possible answers, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Any ideas? Should there be multiple answer lines created?

2) On conditions: One of the questions is something like "How old is John?" What I want is for the student to be able to input variations of the response ("He is 13 years old", "He is 13", "John is 13 years old", "John is 13").

To evaluate the correct syntax, I tried BW and EW. It works fine if there is only one BW and one EW. (e.g. BW = John is; EW = years old). I tried putting in 2 BW conditions (e.g. "BW = John is"; "BW = He is"), but it gives an incorrect response regardless of the respons. I thought that the student might have to actually put both in the same response (e.g. "He is John is 13 years old" - not what I'm looking for...), but that didn't work either.

I tried the variant technique after that, but it just made for more than one required response.

So, can I use a test and have it evaluate 4 possible responses?

If so, does anyone know how?
Hi, Jason,

1. All variants must be answered correctly to get the point - that's how this object works. I.e. operator AND is used on variants.
2. The same issue - all conditions must be met to treat the learner's answer as correct.

Perhaps, the only way to make it more flexible is to use "contains" condition...
Hi Slav,

Thanks for the reply. At least I know that it is not something I am going wrong.

It would be nice to see an OR operator added to future versions that would allow for more variety of answers.

Is there any way to do that by modifying the XML? I looked in the XML manifest and found those instances of code.

For instance, the original code for one answer is:
- <q_conditions>
- <item>
<q_variant>He is</q_variant>
- <item>
<q_variant>years old.</q_variant>

When I try to put the alternative response ("John is" as a possibility to "He is"), it adds a condition line and give this:

- <q_conditions>
- <item>
<q_variant>He is</q_variant>
- <item>
<q_variant>years old.</q_variant>
- <item>
<q_variant>John is</q_variant>

Any chance of changing this? (I'm really going to have to sit down and learn XML now! [;)])

I am writing an article on language teaching using SCORM that I hope to have published in something like "Language Learning & Technology" or in "CALICO". I hope to include a section on the "best" SCORM programs that an reasonably technically savvy teacher can use. I've tried eXe, but CourseLab is superior by far and the one that I intend to discuss in depth.

Having so static an answer is something others would point out as a limitation, so it would be fantastic if the possibilities were either expanded upon in the program or a reasonable workaround could be discussed.

SCORM may be supported by commercial Learning Management Systems, but I don't know one person who ever uses it b/c it's too complicated. Sure, there are commercial SCORM creation applications out there, but the average teacher isn't going to fork out money for something that *might* be beneficial to their teaching.

Honestly, this is a great program! You guys have taken something too technical for the average user (i.e. teacher) to use and made it possible for them to use it.

Figures the formatted code didn't show up.... I'm sure you know what I am talking about, though.

Figures the formatted code didn't show up.... I'm sure you know what I am talking about, though.

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