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Company wide installation and Citrix
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A colleague and I have both started working with Courselab and we are very impressed. As a result interest is growing and other staff would like to use the software. This poses a couple of software management issues for our IT Department.

1. Many of our staff use terminals running Windows XP via a Citrix client, rather than having application software installed locally. Is it possible to use Courselab in a Citrix environment? If so are there any installation issues we need to be aware of?

2. For those staff who have PCs with locally installed applications, our installation of software is centrally managed. Is it possible to install Courselab preferably using Scriptlogic. If not then we will have to fall back to manual installation. Either way is it possible to overcome the requirement for registration of each individual user e.g. by repeated use of the same email account and registration code?

3. We are very careful to adhere to the terms of software licences. Have you published an End User Licence Agreement? If so would you mind telling me where I can find it.

Kind regards

CL works fine in a Citrix environment! We use CL on some terminal clients in our company.

Hi, Johnathan!

1. Actually we've not tested CourseLab via Citrix client yet, but it was tested via usual terminal session. Known restrictions are: additional packs (PPT Import and Screen Capture) will not work via terminal, they can be used on "real" PC only. I think that it should work similar with Citrix too.
2. Yes, it's quite easy. You can use your company e-mail in registration field, register it once, and then use the same e-mail and the same registration code on all installations.
3. We re-write our old EULA right now (nothing special changes - CL will be freeware anyway, just verification of terms and conditions). I hope it will be ready to publish next week.

Please contact us at support@courselab.com if there will be any problems.
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