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Courselab re-writes modules.wcl file
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By default, every time you create a new module, CourseLab creates a folder called 1,2,3, etc where it stores all it's contents.

I have changed this folder's name, and also updated the modules.wcl file. But when I start CourseLab and open the wcl file, it seems to ignore my changes and use the old version.

Can somebody PLEASE explain to me why is this happening.

You're quite right Sebastian, courselab is ignoring you!! the why is pretty simple really.
When you set up the module initially you only specify a containing folder for the project.
Once you create some content Courselab has to put it somewhere, collate and keep track the content or components you add so it creates the folders itself. Remember at no point has Courselab asked you where do you want the contents to be stored and collated, just where the whole project lives.
If you consider this is very much like most software packages that have their favoured default storage locations.

Once you change the names Courselab will rewrite the files because it now doesn't know where the content is as it's object referencing has been broken. At least it is clever enough to fix it cleanly rather than leaving you with totally crippled module and potentially hours of wasted work time.

Is it especially important to change the folders name?, you can call a folder 1, 2 ,3, foofoo or even mitzy. The folder and contents don't care and as long as the softwares references are to that folder and the correct content item it makes no difference.

If you really need to change the name of a folder (and I think you need to ask yourself why this change is so important) then you'll need to make a published version of the module and then change every reference in all of the Javascript, XML and HTML files used.
Try it and quite quickly you will wonder if it really is worth the effort.
Thanks Nickj for replying.

You have just posted a feature request!! CourseLab should ask you where you want to save the new module. Fantastic idea! Most programs allow you to do so anyways. Nowadays you can customize almost anything.

Once I explain why I need to change the folder's name you will go "Ah, right, yes, it makes sense!" instead of "this CourseLab amateur has nothing better to do with his time...".

I have 2 sets of modules which have been developed in different computers. To keep things nice and tidy, I want to bring them together into 1 course.

But as you've guest it, we will have folders with the same name, and that's where this whole problem began.

My temp solution was to work with two separate folders which contains their unique wlc file + all module's folders.

CourseLab gurus, please let me know if there's a way to dig deeper and solve my problem.

You get the option of where but it is very general and you do need to preplan a little. I also develop web sites so I'm in the habit of making a few discrete folders for similar items.
LOL You should try eXe, very good but it dumps everything including the opening page in one huge sprawl of files!!
Personally I have a few modules that work as parts of a set and develop them on 3 different PC's. I only ever have a current version and last version of each just opening and saving with a _C or _O at the end of the file name on a memory stick with a mirror of the stick. saves lots of hassle.
Why not open the wcl and save to another different named folder?
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