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uplod folder to site
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i make my site in google pages creator and i can't upload folder to there - only files. so that mean that i can't show all the work i made with courselab?
Hi Orit, I'd think that the way this makes the page or pages is to dump it all into one space with no internal folders to order the files, geocities is pretty much the same.
If you can connect to the space they have given you with an FTP client then you can probably make a folder to put the courelab contents into. Basically you copy it the way it is into the folders and then from one of your pages make a link to it.
You'll probably find that you'll exceed the bandwidth limits very quickly.

I would suggest that you find a free provider that just gives you the space and allows you to use your own tools to make the pages and upload them by FTP.
A web search will find you many, an example is www.5gbfree.com which gives you 5GB of space and 20GB download bandwidth plus interestingly up to 10 SQL databases!!
You will need a reasonably good and standards compliant tool is AMAYA which is a project of W3C consortium who develop the technology used behind the web, standards etc.
Or you could use Microshafts visual web express developer which is also free
Unfortunately this moves you into the realms of 'real' web page development so you will need to do some reading on HTML XHTML CSS etc if you want to understand what you are actually doing and to make it all work really well.
You'll also find some very professional and free site templates are available if you look that give you a framework in which you'll just need to fill the blank spaces. www.styleshout.com has some very good examples available to download.

I started building web pages using tools like memacs (a very basic text editor)and I still use things like notepad to hand optimise page coding.. The moral being that you don't need expensive or sophisticated tools but they really really do help.
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