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Oracle ilearning LMS CMI error
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Hi, I've been using Courselab for a few days and overall I'm loving it. The Action function is great.

I'm have a problem with tracking scores/completion status in the Oracle i-learning LMS.

I've built a simple course/module with two questions and the total objective. I've setup the runtime settings and published as a Scorm 1.2 course. This was imported into i-learning (all OK).

When I play the course i get the following error message "Scorm Api12.SetValue cmi.core.score.min '0' not implemented error" at the end of each slide i.e. question.

I'm guessing this is because Oracle i-learning is not handling the minimal setting of '0'.

Any advice on the settings in Courselab to track completion status, score etc....


Hi, Trevor!
Well, it's a pity, but it seems to be true: iLearning does not support this parameter... Thank you for information - we will implement workaround in next CourseLab build.
On scores: scores of "total" objective is treated as module score and is sent to LMS. It is automatic.
Status of "total" objective is also treated as module status. But be aware that only one status rule is automatic: module status becomes "incomplete" immediately after first module launch. Rule for "completed" must be created by course author depending on conditions that fit this content (menu Module - Runtime settings - Rules tab)
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