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How would i go about creating five questions and at the end have feedback stating how well you have done.

say score is 70 - 100 (welldone)

50 - 100 (not bad)

20 - 100 (terrible)
Hi, JJ!
If you are using CourseLab 2.3, then you can place Current Results object on the slide. This object has properties that can be used in IF/ELSE actions. You can use $OBJ_ID.rawScore or $OBJ_ID.scaledScore property, for example (please refer to Help or Manual for more properties).
To be sure that Current Results object is fully loaded and properties are available, you can attach the action sequence to Slide (or Frame) afterdisplay event (or Current Results object afterdisplay event).

I'm struggling with these question feedback.

I have created 5 question which are positioned out across 4 slides, and on the 5th slide i have put my Current Results object.

Now i have set each question to have a score of 20 and when i get to the results page it tells me how many i have right, but the one element that i can't get right is to display feedback for each region of results say:

0 - 40 (you need more revising)

40 - 80 (Not bad, could do better)

80 - 100 (Well done)[:confused:]
Hi, JJ!
On the slide with Current Results (CurRes) object:
1. Create 3 (or more) text object with corresponding feedback texts (lets call it TXT_1, TXT_2, TXT_3). Make them invisible by default (Display = none).
2. Attach to Current Results object "afterdisplay" event sequence of actions:

VARIABLE (varname, $CurRes_ID.rawScore)
_ _ IF(#varname<80)
_ _ _ DISPLAY(TXT_2)
_ _ _ ELSE
_ _ _ _ DISPLAY(TXT_3)

That's all. CurRes_ID is id of the Current Results object. $ is special label for object ids.
Still nothing i must be doing something totally wrong here.....
Do you get any feedback messages or error messages ?

To check the value of the variable #varname, put it in a message box to display. That way you can see what the value is and if it is collecting the value from $CurRes_ID.rawScore
I have tried the tutorial above but nothing displays if i get a score say for 40, the score will show but not the correct feedback.

Im wondering if i have put the code in the correct place:
i right click Current Results and click actions, then right click afterdisplay in the event colomn and choose javascript, then add the code -
VARIABLE (varname, $CurRes_ID.rawScore)
_ _ IF(#varname<80)
_ _ _ DISPLAY(TXT_2)
_ _ _ ELSE
_ _ _ _ DISPLAY(TXT_3)

Hi jj
Instead of putting this as a little script in a 'javascript' action what you should be doing is makimg it out of the individual actions (on the right of the actions screen) for the afterdisplay events and it should work fine.
I am trying to do the same thing and have been trying the tutorial above as well but so far still no success. Hope someone can create a module on that and mail the working file to me. Nick can also upload the module to his FRIENDS OF COURSELAB.

Another question:

why is my Results By Objectives not the same as the total objectives that I have set in the MODULE - RUNTIME SETTING?

A bit of an obvious question Liza but have you selected the objective or objectives in the properties for this?
You should see a list of them.
Also try using the 'results by selection' device you'll find that in the object library - simulations tab.
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