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completion status
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I have a lesson which is not scored. Must I set the not attempted/incomplete/completed in the rules in order for the lms to know the status?
The module won't pass anything to the LMS regarding it's status unless you tell it to. So yes if you want record if people have completed the module then you need to ser a status.
It's in the module properties under the rules tab.
28.03.2012 00:31 Nickj_UK wrote:
The module won't pass anything to the LMS regarding it's status unless you tell it to. So yes if you want record if people have completed the module then you need to ser a status.It's in the module properties under the rules tab.

Can you help me? Which kind of rules I need to set for correct finishing of course?
You can set success and or completion based on pages viewed. You set this in the modules rules.
Note that success can be a different thing to completion but in the initial post it was an unscored module so just specifying that for completion the final page had been opened would probably be enough.
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