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search tab
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I'am just working with courselab since few weeks..
my prblem;Ineed to use (search tab) in my project but don't know how to get it !![:confused:]
my courselab virsion is 2.4 ,but didn't find it in (navigation) ... can you help me?

Hi Ola, 'search' ?? There isn't a search facility that looks for words or phrases in the content but you can get a list of the page titles.
This is in the navigation objects and features on some of the templates.
You can add any of these into the template that you are using or put it on a specific page if you need to.
thank you Nickj...

I read about this tab in an e-book guide of courselab and see this tab working in some projects in the internet so, I asked how to find and use it .

thank you
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