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Test Scoring Issue
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When running a module containing and exam on SCORM 2.1, I get a pop-up message that says ScormApi12.SetValue: “cmi.core.lesson_status” “na” Incorrect data type.

Appreciate your help.

Hi, Andy,

actually it should be already fixed in current build, but you can fix it manually in final course version courselab.js file using Notepad. Open courselab.js and find

s = oModuleObjective.getAttribute("cs");
if (s == null)
s = "na";

and change "na" to "n" in last statement. But be careful - do not to change anything else[:)]
Thanks, Slav.

If I make this adjustment, will I have to do anything else to the existing courses/modules? I assume I need to publish them again.

I appreciate your help.

Andy Manzini

I downloaded the latest CourseLab version and it seems to have fixed the problem.

I have another issue that I will post separately.

Thanks for your help!

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