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I am looking for free samples on how to create test object in a course and how to customize the test object for SharePoint Learning Kit.
Hi Amer
To be quite honest the Sharepoint SLK is fine if that is all you can use.... However...
The Hospital Group I work for has over 20 sites, several thousand PCs and a very good network and sharepoint infrastructure
But guess what, we are using a standalone LMS to deliver training material because it is cheaper to maintain and offers far better functionality.
The test objects are drop in objects from the object library , questions. They'll be used to check the status, scores etc are updated as they are completed.
Thnak you for the advice.

Actually, my company is going to introduce SAP ERP solution which includes the so-called Talent Management. This solution provides both LMS and LCMS applications.

Yet, I need to provide a small-scale e-training facility to my department.
That's interesting Amer, let us know how you get on wth SAP. What standards does it support?
The learning competancy angle can be quite an assett to the company, certainly within the UK Health service being able to prove widespread competancy can cut our liabilities insurance and contributions to a central compensation fund quite substantially.
If you just want a very small scale local solution you could quite easily set this up on a PC. I had a version of moodle as a demonstration served off of an old P3 laptop which coped suprisingly well with multiple concurrent users. Given the current financial climate this kind of approach makes reasonable sense, the investment in cash terms being minimal. The 'cost per seat' is a fraction of the commercial systems offered.
Choices would be from:
Moodle, e-front, docebo, openelms, dokeos, claroline, atutor, illias, olat, .lrn. If it works out well then quite a few offer paid support packages.
Oh and if you do make some of your content 'in house' then it is again massively cheaper, you have uncontested ownership, can change it at minimal cost and if the content is built to an accepted standard it is portable to other platforms.
This raises the possibility of selling on good or useful modules within your particular business line.
LOL Forgot this but Dokeos can synchronise with SAPs HR management module which might make it a bit more of interest to you.
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