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Auto Adjust to fit Screen
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HI Everybody,

I have a module running on SABA LMS, I don't think that there is a option that the module auto fits to the screen or maximises automatically ?

The user need to manually click the maximise button, can we do this automatically by doing some chages in XML file ?

Secondly after maximising the module is placed on the left top corner and doesn't adjusts to the entire screen ? I have managed to change the background colour from white to black, is there any way I can do some changes in XML file and change the placement of screen to center proportionately ?

Does anyone know how to make the
Hi Kapil,

Just to share my experience. What I did to maximize the screen everytime the course is started:

1. I set the design settings of my course to be the default smallest supported size for basic display settings which is 800x600.

2. After finishing and publishing the cd, I added a freeware file called dc.exe, which is a display changer (can be downloaded from 12noon.com)

3. With the necessary commands with the dc.exe file, Whenever you run your courselab, the screen would change it's setting to 800x600 first, then play your module, thus occupying the whole screen. then the screen will return to original size when you close the module.

I hope this helps.[:)]
Hi, Kapil,

Actually, the LMS itself usually manages the window which it opened. Content's rights to change sizes and positions of the window are the subject of browser's security settings.
Second, modules will not resize its content anyway: all objects have absolute positioning and fixed size.
Hi Julirose,

Thanks for the response, but as Slav suggested the module wont resize the content anyway...

So as of now we are trying to manage somehow...
Hi all, resizing displays has again cropped up, I think that this is more likely to be linked to stand alone CD delivered media than CMS or LMS delivery.
Once again you have to ask what size do you think your users screens have? The answer is probably not as big as you would like it to be! You HAVE to target your content at the best smallest probable display. As I point out on the Friends of Courselab site Courselab templates sizes may be restricting but they will work perfectly on 100% of visitors monitors. Increasing the size by even a small ammount, say 100 pixels taller, suddenly 20% of viewers have problems. Add 200 pixels and a huge 46% are going to experience problems. I could design for my best platform which is three screens 2 x 5MP and a single 2MP monitor config, would you like to try and view that on your setup??? Probably not I think.
The main point to consider is are you going to limit accessibility by making the screen a fixed and larger size? The answer is a highly probable YES. IF you are providing paid for content then this is a very unprofessional position to place yourself in.
A dynamically resizing of pages is probably the best long term option but this is fraught with problems both from maintaining coherent design as your elements move relative positions and relationships AND from a programing point of view.
Yes it more difficult making content fit a smaller space and still contain the desired message and content but that is what good design is about.
BTW the best current fit given the rise in wide screen monitors is 1024 x 600.

DC only changes the display resolution as a temporary action, so fills the module fills the screen, it is still at the same resolution. For example your 2024x1024 display is just switched to running at 800x600.
You want to be very careful that you apply settings that are within the monitors design specifications, especially refresh rates. Please remember that it is possible to force the display driver into a config that can cause physical damage to some displays, not a very good idea.
If one of my big displays was hit by this utility and forced to 800x600 it would kill the displays and I would be sending a bill for around 11,000 euros or 14,000 USD to have them replaced!!!
Yup I agree,
that's why I suggest,

1.just make a module with a standard size of 800x600 to fit most screens,

2. then adjust the user's screen with an external display changer. the user's display will automatically change to 800x600

3. thus, filling the screen with your module!
Are you checking the legal refresh rates??
Really this kind of change not initiated by the users system is potentially dangerous.
You should indicate to the user this is going to happen before it does and exactly what is going to happen, eg resolution change If the refesh rate will change so that the user can opt out IF they need to.
As it says... "Please be aware that you can damage your video card or monitor by using an unsupported mode."
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