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Runtime - Complete/Incomplete settings
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Hello Everybody,

I have upload a module onto SABA LMS. In Saba LMS after one attempt at the module, it shows in the "Transcript" option as "Sucessful" even if the user has failed or havent seen all the slides ? I have a 50 question quiz and minimum score to pass is >=40 less than 40 is failed. I also want that if a user doesnt go through all the slides then it should show incomplete

The settings of rules in runtime are as follows:

1st Rule
Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'completed'
Success Status = 'passed'

'total'Score >= 40
AND Slides Visited from "Slide_1" To "Slide_150"
AND 'total' Objective Completion 'completed'

2nd Rule
Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'incompleted'
Success Status = 'failed'

'total'Score < 40
AND 'total' Objective Completion 'Incompleted'
(I haven't added the condition for covering the slides, since I have already added in 1st Rule)

Can anyone please help me with this ?

Hi, Kapil,

First, let suppose that success statuses are "stronger" than completion statuses, i.e. there's absolutely no use in success statuses until completion status will become "completed". I don't think that anyone can tell success from failure while the subject is in progress.

Second, rules in CourseLab module rules list are executed exactly as they are placed in the list: from first to last (from top to bottom). Therefore rules for stronger statuses (and status values) must be last in the rules list (otherwise "weak" values will overwrite previously set "strong" ones).

Third, SCORM 1.2 (unlike 2004) supports only one status parameter cmi.core.lesson_status, that can have completion and success values (but only one value at a time).

Rules can be someway like that:

0 Rule (i.e. initial objective status - in the objective dialog)
Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'incomplete'
Success Status = 'unknown'

In the rules list:

1st Rule
Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'completed'
Success Status = 'unknown'
Condition: Slides Visited from "Slide_1" To "Slide_150"

2nd Rule

Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'completed'
Success Status = 'passed'
Condition: 'total'Score >= 40
AND 'total' Objective Completion 'completed'

3rd Rule

Objective = 'total'
Completion Status = 'completed'
Success Status = 'failed'
Condition: 'total'Score < 40
AND 'total' Objective Completion 'completed'
Thanks Slav,

Will try this and will get back to you on this...
Hi Slav,

I had done these settings as you had mentioned, but the results are not been shown in SABA in the 'transcript' and 'reports'. Both Completion and score is not been displayed, even if the use has gone through all the 150 slides and passed the quiz. The score I guess is not being displayed as you had mentioned the 1.2 scorm limit of data score (4kb)but then why its not showing the completion or incompletion status atleast ?

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