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Single and multiple choice question problems with Moodle
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We've made a SCORM module with CourseLab 2.4 . This module has single and multiple choice tests inside. These tests fail with Moodle 1.8.7 and upper versions and it gives us error messages like this one: "not enough choices: cmi.interaction.N1.correct_responses.N0.pattern". The module runs well on lower versions of Moodle. Can anybody help us? Thanks
Hi Sergio,
As the Module runs on lower versions OK but not on 1.8.7 it would seem reasonable to assume that there's a problem with that version.
Which scorm version are you using? There were some upload issues with 1.2 modules and 2.0 did often present problems to moodles API. There are patches for the 1.2 issues and I assume a full fix in the next release of moodle.
You ought to post this on the moodle forum too.
Yes, I think that we've got the problem with this Moodle version. I have read in other forums that another tools from Articulate and Adobe have same problem, but it seems tha nobody knows what is the cause of it.
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