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CourseLab and Claroline 1.8.7
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I tried the labtest with claroline 1.8.7 and it gave an error reading the manifest file. Can you please let me know if CourseLab is compatible with Claroline? Claroline uses SCORM 1.2.
Hi, i wish know if any could run a scorm 1.2 of courselab in claroline

The version of Claroline you are running is based on the SCORM 2004 model.
V 1.5.1 introduced minimal conformance for 1.2 and some 1.3 components. It is now fully documented as being 2004 compliant.
Have you tried importing as SCORM 2004 module into the learning path rather than 1.2?
We had the same problem. With help of Sebastien (admin Claroline) it's solved:

Replace the line (around line #608) in file learnpath/importLearning.php

Code: Select all
$data = html_entity_decode(urldecode(file_get_contents($manifestPath.$file)));


Code: Select all
$data = file_get_contents($manifestPath.$file);

There is a special character in the courselab file that Claroline was not able to manage correctly.
Perhaps it will be changed in the next Courselab-Version ?

We had the same problem. With help of Sebastien (admin Claroline) it's solved:

Replace the line (around line #608) in file learnpath/importLearning.php

Code: Select all
$data = html_entity_decode(urldecode(file_get_contents($manifestPath.$file)));


Code: Select all
$data = file_get_contents($manifestPath.$file);

There is a special character in the courselab file that Claroline was not able to manage correctly.
Perhaps it will be changed in the next Courselab-Version ?

Hey Guys,

Initially while uploading the 1.2 Scorm version in SABA I was getting the error

$data = html_entity_decode(urldecode(file_get_contents($manifestPath.$file)));

And error reading "reading manifest error"

So I unzipped the published folder and then zipped the contents inside the folder together and then upload it onto SABA LMS and it worked fine and I did not got any error.

I thought I will share this...maybe you can try it..

In fact, we did not test this LMS. Would you like to provide us with error texts? P
Hi, I am trying too to use CourseLab and Claroline LMS, but without success. Claroline LMS accepts SCORM 1.2 packages, but with CourseLab zip file it only says "error in manifest file", aborting the import operation.
Hi, Tonino!
Would you like to send us (support@courselab.com) Claroline error texts for analysis?
05.11.2007 23:59 Anonymous wrote:
Hi, Tonino!Would you like to send us (support@courselab.com) Claroline error texts for analysis?

I have before been running Scorm 1.2 files from Courselab 2.4 on Claroline 1.8.12, and for a long time., on a installation of Claroline 1.8.12 with the fix from Pit. His fix, works fine.

But then IE11 happened. IE11 will not run these Courslab Scrom's on Claroline unless the compatibility mode is set, on, for the site. In my case it gives much trouble for my site as a whole. Therefore an update to Claroline 1.11.10 was necessary. But the same "error" seems to be present in the new Claroline version. Under import of the Scrom 1.2 file, Claroline will not read the manifest file. Meanwhile, php program code, changed much since Pit's correction, and his fix is no longer valid, and it will be very time consuming for me to do the same fix. So I hope that I can find help to update Pit's fix. The recourses associated with Claroline help forum, is so few, that they can’t find the time for it. I still think this fix is for the benefit of Courslab's programs spread, so hope you will take et on, once more ?
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