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Store and return variables
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Can we return or call variables stored with the VARIABLE action ? I'd like to put in a queestion or a text label the value of a variable stored inf previous slides.
thank you.
Current version (2.2) does not allow to insert variable values in any text object, excluding MessageBox action. But variable substitutes in text is possible in the next CourseLab version (2.3), that will be released next week (along with many other enhancements). Please check the new release in few days.
thanks you. Course Lab is powerfull and a really good product !
do you plan any php intergation as mysql connection to store results for example ?
These solutions are already on the market - it's LMS. A lot of them (including free and open source ones) use e-learning standards such as AICC and SCORM to establish communication between e-learning content and databases (which are usually the part of LMS) to store learner's data (and also building reports, scheduling course etc.).
CourseLab supports both AICC and SCORM standards, therefore CourseLab-generated content can be tracked by any LMS, that supports one of these standards.
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