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Can I pass Variables to the Value field in Visualisation->Histogram Chart? Clab V2.7
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Hi I am trying to take the results stored in variables and pass them to the histogram object (in the value field)so that it can show the results in the different column.

In the Value field I have tried different syntax e.g. {{#variable_name}}, #variable_name, variable_name - but none of these seem to work...

Is it possible? Any ideas???

I'm thinking that it isn't. You might have noticed an action called METHOD, this lets you modify some of the certain objects settings. However it isn't available for all objects and isn't for the graph objects.
There don't seem to be any for the histogram object.
I suspect that you'd need a custom object for this, it is possible in 2.7 to make new objects. LOL No don't ask as I haven't really looked at this yet
Thanks - Just took a look at Customizing the objects and you can create your own and edit the XML Code etc. I am no programmer so will just have to wait until some clever soul has a go at it.. Thanks anyway!
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